Devoré & Discharge System
This system has the advantage of a much lower formaldehyde content than previous discharge systems available.
There are two discharge pastes which produce excellent effects on suitable dyed backgrounds. They have a shelf life of approximately 6 months.
They should be used with a 6% addition of the discharge catalyst.
They can also be coloured with some of the Colourcraft AP Concentrated Fabric
Colours to give excellent discharge effects.
Those suitable for pigment discharge techniques are:
Lemon, Golden Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Scarlet, Vermilion, Ultramarine, Turquoise, Emerald Green.
When screen-printing, the best results will be obtained using 43 mesh screens. For more detailed work – use finer mesh screens.
Once work has been completed, dry and bake at l80°C for 2½ minutes
Discharge Paste (Standard)
Place discharge paste in a container and add required amount of concentrated fabric colours – approximately 4 – 6% depending on shade required.
Immediately prior to printing, sprinkle 6% of the discharge catalyst into the paste. Mix well and leave for approximately l0 minutes prior to use.
*Once the discharge catalyst has been added, the print paste has a shelf life of approximately l2 hours depending upon working conditions.
Once work has been completed, dry and bake at l80°C for 2½ minutes.
Discharge Paste (White)
This paste can be used alone or with the addition of concentrated fabric colour.
Place discharge paste in a container.
For pastel or bright pale colours add concentrated fabric colour.
Immediately prior to printing, sprinkle 6% of the discharge catalyst into the paste. Mix well and leave for approximately l0 minutes prior to use.
*Once the discharge catalyst has been added, the print paste has a shelf life of approximately l2 hours depending upon working conditions.
Once work has been completed, dry and bake at l80°C for 2½ minutes.
Devoré Paste
A ready to use paste for use on natural/synthetic blends, silk/viscose and silk/cotton blends.
*Devore pastes have a pH of 1 – 2 and therefore personal protective equipment must be used when handling them (clothing, gloves, eye protection etc.)
When choosing designs for devore with pigment head colours, ensure that there are no overlaps between devore screen and the other colours in order to avoid build up and screen blockages.
Apply the paste as in a standard printing process.
Dry the fabric and heat cure by baking for a maximum of 4 minutes at l30C (Different fabrics can vary in the length of time required so it is advisable to keep checking – many can be cured at a temperature as low as l00C for l minute).
Once heat cured a wash off process must follow to remove the devore portion.
It is a good idea to use a neutralising bath of Soda Ash as the fabric pH is acidic.
Safety In Use
Care should be taken when handling all dyes, chemicals etc.
Protective clothing and gloves, eye protection etc. is recommended. Precautions should be taken to avoid accidental ingestion, inhalation and skin and eye contact. Keep containers closed and away from children. Use products in a well-ventilated area.
Information contained in this publication or as otherwise supplied is believed to be accurate and is given in food faith, but without guarantee, as we have no control over conditions of use and individual application.