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Easifix All In One Acid Dyes

Colour fast dyes for protein fibres – silk, wool, nylon, mohair, angora, fur, feathers, etc.

Dye in 15-30 minutes

• A professional, simple range of colour fast dyes for protein fibres.
• As the name suggests, this is an easy to use system which already contains the fixer.
• Available in 45 brilliant vibrant, standard colours which can be further mixed to produce an almost unlimited number of shades. Including – 19 stunning new pastel colours.


  1. Weigh fabric to be dyed (dry weight).
    Medium shades –start by using approx. 1 x 5g (level teaspoon) of the dye crystals per 50g of fabric, after simmering for 15 minutes check the shade and if deeper shade required ad more dye crystals.
    Deeper shades – use more dye crystals up to 10g per 100g of fabric.
    For Black – use double the quantity.
  2. Fill a stainless steel or undamaged enamel pan (dye bath) with enough warm water to cover the fabric. As a guide, allow 30ml of water for each gram of dry weight fabric eg. 100g of fabric x 30ml water equals 3 litres of cool water.
  3. Thoroughly pre-mix required amount of dye crystals with a small quantity of hot water. Stir into the dye bath.
  4. Wash fabric to be dyed in hot water and Colsperse (a low foaming detergent similar to Synthrapol). Allow to soak then rinse, squeeze outand add to dye bath. This is essential to remove grease, manufacturer’s finishes etc.
  5. Slowly raise the temperature of the dye bath to a very gentle simmer (95ºC) then continue dyeing for:
    a) 20/30 minutes (deep shade dye range)
    b) Check after 15 minutes (pastel shade dye range), you can add a small amount of white vinegar at this stage to help but this is not essential, until desired shade is obtained. Move gently the fabric through the dye mixture from time to time using a wooden, stainless steel or plastic stirrer.
  6. Finish with a warm wash – rinse, dry and iron.

Wool can be dyed at this temperature – what it does not like is extremes of temperature – this is what causes it to felt e.g. being immersed in hot water and then rinsed in cold water.
NB – For silk items – restrict temperature to 85ºC.
In hard water areas adding Calgon at 2g per litre of water is advisable.
When dyeing very heavy shades the addition, for 15 minutes, to the dye bath, after dyeing, of 5ml per 100g of fabric of citric acid (lemon Juice) or acetic acid (white vinegar) will help to exhaust the dye onto the fabric i.e. make the water go clear.

Shade-It control medium (optional – for use with darker shade dyes)

To create your own pale or medium shades from the dark Easifix dyes, adding our Shade-It Control Medium controls the rate of dye transfer onto the fabric making it easier to achieve a particular shade.
It also helps the dye go on to the cloth evenly resulting in level dyeing.

  1. Stir into the dye bath after the dye crystals (3 above) then continue as per above instructions.

Amounts of Shade-It control medium to be added per 100g fabric in 3 litres of water

Shade: Pale – 6ml Medium – 4ml Deep – 2ml Black – none

* Please Note

Acid dyes do not contain acid. In fact, they have a neutral ph similar to water. The term ‘acidic’ refers to the mild acid salts used as a fixative which have an acid value (ph) similar to food acids such as vinegar and citric acid.

Safety in use

Care should be taken when handling dyes and associated chemicals – rubber gloves and protective clothing should be worn when necessary. Precautions should be taken to avoid accidental ingestion, inhalation and skin & eye contact. Keep containers closed and away from young children. Information contained in this publication or as otherwise supplied is believed to be accurate and is given in good faith, but without guarantee as we have no control over conditions of use and individual application.

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