Stitch & Tear
Vlieseline® – Tear-Away Stabilizers 1M x 900MM
Stitch -n-Tear – Tear Off
Stitch-n-Tear creates embroideries with a more even and sculptured appearance and prevents the fabric from distorting.
Attach a piece of Stitch-n-Tear slightly larger than the hoop to the wrong side of the fabric and start stitching. Then simply tear off the excess Stitch-n-Tear. Can be used without hoop, too.
Vlieseline® Stitch-n-Tear is an ideal sewing aid for patchwork. Individual patterns are either drawn on the Stitch-n-Tear or transferred using iron-on designs. Stitch-n-Tear is torn off, thereby maintaining the handle and character of the fabric.
Too create high-relief quilts and quilted effects the motifs can first be drawn on to the Sitch-n-Tear. After Stitch-n-Tear is attached to the handicafts item or garment, the motif is sewn and finally the Stitch-n-Tear is torn off.
Ideal for freehand embroidery and thread painting. Place the Vlieseline® Stitch-n-Tear underneath the fabric and tack in place.